Tag Archives: B2B

Introducing B2B “Blogger to Blogger”


I’m a fan of helping one another when and where we can.

My standpoint has always been rooted in creating a dialogue. Traveling, blogging, and social media are a two-way street. We all learn from our experiences & why not share them with one another to some degree.

I created my blog & continue to pour myself into it because I keep discovering things that I feel travelers need to know about. Be it a tip, link, or an easier way to do something, I share my varied content with all viewers as I would with a close friend – ‘You need to know about this…!’

I’ve decided to take this a step further and also create or repost content pertaining to blogging. I frequently come across templates, articles, industry news, or techniques that would be of interest to other bloggers – no matter what your niche is.

Say hello to B2B or “Blogger to Blogger.”

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Beauty Goes Social – Event Highlights & Giveaway!


Photo Credit: DigitalLA


I had the pleasure of listening to a panel of beauty influencers discuss their experiences with social media at the Beauty Goes Social event on February 21st.

DigitalLA did a great job moderating the discussion and Q&A hosted at eSalon’s brand new headquarters in Culver City, CA. 

For about an hour and a half, six female gurus openly discussed their experiences, stats, engagement, trends, tricks, popular apps, time invested, and results gained.  Ultimately, everyone was in agreement that authenticity and relatability are the keys to success. 

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Ladies: Blogging Tips Worth a Peek

Blog Brainstormer Form: Fill in the slots when you’re hit with pearls of wisdom…  Check out The Project Girl  to download the free .pdf.

Photo Credit: The Project Girl
10 Apps That Will Simplify Your Blogging Business Amanda Boyce’s “less is more”  recommendations are a bit fashion oriented, but there are some apps that are dead-ringers no matter what your blogging niche is.  Some faves are:

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PSA: Writers, Bloggers, YouTubers…watch out for Eye Strain!

I have a rather unglamorous, yet permanent Public Service Announcement.

Disclaimer: First and foremost, I am not a medical professional by any stretch of the imagination.  I am merely sharing my experience.  Please consult your own GP or Opthomologist if you have questions or concerns.

To all my fellow writers, bloggers, YouTubers, social media hounds, laptop & smart phone lovers… please be mindful of eye strain!

Eye 2

Late last week I was working away on my laptop and in a moment, my normal 20/20 seemed a bit off.  Was it the laptop settings?  Was there a glare coming in from the afternoon light?  No, my eyes were just crossing all by themselves!  Did it hurt? No.  Did it freak my out?  Yes.  The whole experience of double vision lasted a few seconds, despite me actively trying to straighten my eyes & focus on something in the distance.  Uggg… let the head games begin.  Fortunately I kept my cool and it was over within moments, but it’s a lesson learned.  It just goes to show how much I’m really on the computer and iPhone.  Enough is enough… talk about a much-needed lifestyle change. 

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